I'm an Idiot or maybe not

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    Today’s (Mon 6/29) card @ PB. Race #8 I played the 5 to WP. Found out I entered race #9 instead of #8. Race #9 the 5 dog comes in to Win. Pays $76.20 to win, $14.40 to place. Some days it pays to be an idiot.


    That has happened to me quite a few times, sometimes to my benefit other times against me. I guess if you play long enough you make a lot of mistakes. You just hope that the ones that go your way make up for the other ones.


    Over the years I’d say I’ve probably broke even if you average them all out. But there is no greater feeling than winning a bet you thought was completely lost!

    Enjoy the favor of the greyhound gods smiling down upon you my friend!

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